Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Strategy One and Two

Strategy One

The change the culture and context of conflict chapter caused me to really think of leading situations that I observe.  I feel that if I am the leader of the building I would want to implement the items that are listed on page 6.  I would want a building where the level of conflict would be reduced by creating a level of open communication and trust.  I think that if at the beginning of the year if I have my staff to agree upon our vision, mission, goals and values, then the likelihood of conflict to escalate would be less.  As the leader of the build I would model acceptable behavior, such as engaging in dialogue and collaborate and get to a common ground.

Strategy Two

In the chapter, listen actively, empathetically, and responsively the author mentions to conduct a conflict audit.  I would never have considered conducting an audit over conflict, but when you stop and consider how much time is actually lost when there is conflict in a building, time being constructive work time, it would be worth it.  The audit in a sense could cut down on the amount of gossip and grapevine activity that is taking place within the building.

Clearing the decks for listening is something that I know that I need to work on in my classroom and in my life.  I know at times when the kids are working on a project and I am working on something at my desk, and I have a kid that would like to come up to my desk and tell me a story I need to do just what the this section talks about.  If I can just learn to clear my decks for listening and take that few minutes to listen to the story that they have to tell, then this will help me build better relationships with my student.  Sometimes all they need is just that little bit of attention to make them feel that they are valued, and that is something that I need to remember.

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