Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting to Yes 6-8

The section on "bottom lines" I found to be quite interesting. Discussing the pros and cons to setting a bottom line was eye-opening. Pros are making sure that you receive what you want from an agreement or a contract and it makes it easier to resist pressure or temptations of the moment. Some cons of setting a bottom line is it makes you closed minded towards changes (that may actually benefit you in the short or long runs) and imagination. Also, according to the book, bottom lines are usually set too high and remain too rigid. Bottom lines may protect you from making a bad or rash decision, but it will also limit inventive and creative solutions to the agreement. The "best of both worlds" solution to only having a bottom line, is to have a BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) connected to it. This knowledge was nice to have in writing because I had normally done this, but seeing it in writing makes it easier to describe and teach to others.

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