Thursday, October 14, 2010

Strategy 2 - Active Listening

If you have not already posted your a thought regarding Strategy 2 - Listen Actively, Empatheticall, and Responsively, you can add it to this post as a comment.

1 comment:

  1. On page 36 the book states, " Many of the conflicts and miscommunications we experience in life result from the assumption that we communicate successfully merely by speaking clearly and that if we could only make the other person listen, they would automatically understand and agree with us. Yet even when we speak a common language, a listener may hear the words we use from a completely different context or frame of reference and attribute an entirely different meaning to them."

    This is especially true in the field of athletic training as you could be working with athletes from not only all over the nation, but also the globe. The MSU soccer team has many members from Europe and at my undergrad we had a one basketball player from Turks & Caicos and another from Lithuania, as well as a swimmer from Germany, another from Hungary, and another from Columbia. Taking time to ensure that the message was clearly conveyed and that both parties are in agreement can go a long way to maintaining a relationship.
